不忘512汶川大地震「我们的娃娃 」纪录片放映会
5月12日 2:28 pm 汶川大地震十六周年之际,我们将在北加州湾区的 Milpitas Library Auditorium 放映艾晓明导演的纪录片《我们的娃娃》。
今年是八九六四35周年,我们希望通过举办在地活动分享艾晓明的系列纪录片,呼吁旧金山湾区华人关注中共长期对中国公民社会的打压,关注黄琦、谭作人等良心犯从六四到 5 · 12 再到今天的人生故事。
为保护观众隐私和安全,活动禁止录音录像。如有媒体采访需求,恳请提前联系知会 @擦星星事务所 (xstarshiner@gmail.com),并于现场向工作人员出示记者证或名片。
Title: Our Children
Duration: 73 min, colour, 16:9
Director/Camera: Ai Xiaoming
剪辑:艾晓明 胡杰
Editors: Ai Xiaoming, Hu Jie
June 2009
From the director:
I went twice to the areas hit by the disaster in Sichuan Province in June and August of 2008. Together with the volunteers, I visited Wenzhuan, Beichuan, Qingchuan, Dujiangyan, Mianzhu, Hanwang and other places. Despite various forms of restrictions, I tried as much as possible to reach the ruins of the collapsed schools, visit the parents of the students and film the photographs and belongings of the children who died.
As some people have observed, the collapse of the school buildings was an especially important lesson in this earthquake. The central governments departments all stressed accountability. Later, on this question, there were disputes between the tone set by the local governments and the demands by civil society. As a citizen, I still remember Premier Wen Jiabo's speech at Yingxiu, an area hit by the earthquake. I hope to provide a video record from the perspective of the civil society.
Ai Xiaoming
Synopsis of Our Children
《我们的娃娃》片长73分钟,分为三集:第一集“5月11日 母亲节”、第二集“承诺与鉴定”、第三集“同一个世界”,其时间跨度大约在地震发生前后的5月至8月。在片中讲故事的,主要是遇难学生的父母,他们中间有教师、城市职工、外出打工者,其间也穿插了传媒工作者、独立学者、网络作家、地质专家、环保和法律工作者的评述。他们从不同角度表达了对校舍垮塌、儿童遇难这一事件的看法。
Our Children is a 73-minute long film divided into three episodes. The first episode is “May 11 Mother’s Day”, the second episode “Promise and Appraisal” and the third episode “One World”. The film covers the time period between May and August, that is, before and after the earthquake. In the film, the main narrators were parents of the students who died, among them teachers, city workers, migrant workers, interspersed with commentaries by media workers, independent scholars, internet writers, geologists, environmentalists and legal workers. They told of their views on the collapse of the schools and the deaths of the children from different perspectives.
The live video [of the earthquake] was taken from footage that has been circulated in the disaster areas filmed by members of the civil society, who are mostly citizen journalists. The use of videos by citizens shows another way of witnessing and recording.
I would like to use this film to commemorate those children who were killed by the collapsed schools in the May 12 Sichuan Earthquake in 2008. They are children of the Sichuanese as well as children of all Chinese people.
文:JJ GD 编辑:JJ GD 图片:Popo 剪辑:Lavo